среда, 16. мај 2012.

A new post was created in NEKRETNINE PANČEVO: "Dvosoban name šten stan, 60 m2, naselje Tesla – Pančevo, 4 sprat cent..."

Hello nekretnine - besplatni oglasi,

A new post has been created in NEKRETNINE PANČEVO.
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Author: Anonymous
Link: http://nekretnina.weebly.com/izdavanje---pan268evo.html?zpbw_postKey=kAzeYRrSWXxWS0gZtkI8TA

Dvosoban namešten stan, 60 m2, naselje Tesla – Pančevo, 4 sprat centralno grejanje, kablovska tv i internet dostupni, telefon, lift, interfon, klimatizovan, zastakljena terasa, depozit i prijava obavezni. Kontakt tel 064 1652080 i 060 5652080 Mihajlo.

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